The statement that “data is the new gold” applies to the mobility sector as well as to most areas of public administration. In fact, the multitude of data-driven projects and services in public transport is of essential importance on the way to the intelligent and networked mobility of tomorrow. The Minerva BW project focuses on the collection, analysis and utilization of this data.
As part of the MobiArch BW funding line of the Ministry of Transport in Baden-Württemberg, the MRK is participating in a consortium with Verkehrsverbund Rhein-Neckar (VRN), Rhein-Neckar-Verkehr GmbH (rnv) and the Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Development (IESE) in the design of a regional, cross-state mobility data platform in the VRN network area. The data collected there will also be made accessible via the state’s mobility data platform, MobiData BW, as part of the project. A proof of concept based on a specific use case will demonstrate the usability of data and interfaces.
As part of the project, MRK is responsible for project management and organization, the creation of specifications for the demonstrator, the implementation of a profitability analysis and, based on this, the analysis of possible operator models. In good cooperation with the other project partners, MRK can thus contribute to the success of the project and make an important contribution to data-driven mobility innovations in the country.