The ITS reference architecture for multimodal travel information specifies the framework for ITS architecture in Germany (RIAD) for the ITS service category multimodal travel information. Multimodal travel information services (MMRI) support travelers in planning their journey from A to B by comparing different travel options combining different modes of transport, prices and the following modes of transport: air transport, rail transport, road transport, water transport, coach transport, public transport, demand responsive transport, walking and cycling. MMRIs offer travelers personalized itineraries according to specific travel preferences.

In this context, the framework and reference architectures bring the following benefits:

  • Avoidance of “island solutions”
  • Facilitate the introduction of consistent and easily accessible ITS services for a wide range of users
  • Security for public operators in terms of compatibility and interoperability of their ITS applications

Using the TOGAF architecture development methodology, MRK developed the ITS reference architecture in a consortium with the partners Amadeus Germany GmbH, TSE Consulting, PRISMA solutions GmbH, IMV Frankfurt RheinMain GmbH and Verkehrsauskunft Österreich GmbH. Her activities in the project included:

  • the development of the architectural vision (TOGAF A),
  • leading the development of the business architecture (TOGAF B),
  • leading the development of the information system architecture (TOGAF C),
  • Monitoring the achievement of the project goals,
  • Consultation with the client and the project managers of the parallel projects and
  • Presentation of the reference architecture at conferences.