Caritasverband für die Diözese Osnabrück e.V. intended to convert its vehicle fleet, which was previously based on conventional vehicles, to environmentally friendly alternative drive systems. To this end, the economic efficiency and feasibility of this conversion was investigated.

The aim of the project was therefore to create an integrated electromobility concept for the Caritas association. The potential for setting up electric vehicle fleets for the Caritas Association of the Diocese of Osnabrück e.V. was determined, taking into account an inventory as well as a feasibility and profitability study.

As part of the concept, a guideline* was developed that shows which vehicles from the fleet of the Caritas Association for the Diocese of Osnabrück e.V. can be electrified. An implementation concept was drawn up for the conversion of the vehicle fleet that enables gradual electrification.

*Download the guide in german: (